Clubhouse for Extended Day 2s, Full Day 3s, and Pre-K: 2:30-5:30 pm
Clubhouse is designed to extend the day until 5:30 pm for students in Extended Day 2s, full-day 3s, and Pre-K. Clubhouse provides students with a structured but relaxed alternative to our other after-school offerings. Students can read or play with friends, draw, and enjoy board games and outside activity time. We require a set schedule for each term in order for your child to utilize the Clubhouse services, as we have a limited capacity for students. To sign up for Clubhouse Drop-In, please email clubhouse@dwight.eduwith your child’s name and grade level with the days and times you will be utilizing the service. Billing for Clubhouse will be charged to your smart tuition account each term.
Extended Day for Preschool 2s
Extended day for preschool 2s students runs daily from 12-2:30 pm. Preschool 2s who are enrolled in extended day can begin the extended day program after their classes’ full phase-in schedule has been completed and their 8:30 am-12 pm schedule has begun.