
Clubhouse for Extended Day 2s, Full Day 3s, and Pre-K: 2:30-5:30 pm

Clubhouse is designed to extend the day until 5:30 pm for students in Extended Day 2s, full-day 3s, and Pre-K. Clubhouse provides students with a structured but relaxed alternative to our other after-school offerings. Students can read or play with friends, draw, and enjoy board games and outside activity time. We require a set schedule for each term in order for your child to utilize the Clubhouse services, as we have a limited capacity for students. To sign up for Clubhouse Drop-In, please email clubhouse@dwight.eduwith your child’s name and grade level with the days and times you will be utilizing the service. Billing for Clubhouse will be charged to your smart tuition account each term.


Extended Day for Preschool 2s

Extended day for preschool 2s students runs daily from 12-2:30 pm. Preschool 2s who are enrolled in extended day can begin the extended day program after their classes’ full phase-in schedule has been completed and their 8:30 am-12 pm schedule has begun.


Families that need additional childcare from 2:30-5:30 pm are encouraged to preregister for this program. Drop-in options are only available based on enrollment. 

  • Students can be picked up anytime between 3:30 and 5:25 pm. 

  • The school building closes promptly at 5:30 pm. Students in Dwight's After-School Clubhouse extended-day service must be picked up by this time. 

  • A late pick-up fee of $25 per 10 minutes will be assessed for any student not picked up by 5:30 pm. Overtime charges are assessed for pickup beyond 5:30 pm

  • If a parent/caregiver is late more than twice in a term, the school has the right to refuse to accept that child in the service, and program fees will not be refunded. 

  • In the event of inclement weather, after-school and/or Clubhouse extended-day service may close, and advance notice will be given. 

  • Students are expected to follow the same standards of conduct and behavior while in Clubhouse extended-day services that are required during the regular school day.


  • When utilizing this service, please email both your child’s teacher in addition to with your child's full name, grade, and pick-up time before no later than 12 pm on the day of drop-in to inquire about availability.

  • As a DOH regulated program, we are required to maintain certain student-teacher ratios, and may not be able to accommodate a last-minute request if the group is at maximum capacity.


  • Snacks: A healthy, nut and tree nut free snack and a water bottle are encouraged for all After-School programs. Please pack a labeled extra snack for after-school/Clubhouse in your child’s backpack. If your child does not have a snack available, we will provide a snack during Clubhouse.


Preschool 2s students are welcome to extend their day through 2:30 pm. Students eat packed lunch from home, have a quiet rest time, and enjoy storytelling and dramatic play activities, classroom learning centers, and gross motor play in our gym. Families interested in registering for this service must sign up in advance; drop-in is not available for this program.

  • Registration is available for trimesters (fall, winter, and spring terms) or for the full academic year. Drop-in is not available for this program.

  • The program runs from 12:30-2:30 pm; students may enroll on their scheduled 2, 3, or 5 class days.

  • Fees for each session are based on program dates. Please note that 2 day registrations are for Tuesdays & Thursdays only, 3 day registrations are for Mondays, Wednesdays, & Fridays only; dates are not interchangeable.

  • This program has a limited capacity of 10 students. A wait list is available and based on the order of sign-up. Registration is on a first-come, first-served basis. Confirmation of registration will be sent shortly before the start of the program.

  • Please review the living 2024-25 After-school Calendar, with important key dates and registration timeline.

  • If a student is absent from school on any given day, then they cannot attend after-care programs that day.

  • Pick-up is promptly at 2:30 pm. Students not picked up by this time will join the Clubhouse program at the $45 hourly rate after a five-minute grace period. 

  • 2s Extended Day students can participate in Clubhouse after-care from 2:30-5:30 pm.